Tiffany Marie Brannon

Here to save the world, one problem at a time.

Welcome to TMB Problems, the podcast with the goal to "Make Conservatism Cool & America Smart Again."

Join us every week on YouTube, ApplePodcasts or SpotifyPodcasts as we discuss everything from sex and dating to politics, history, art and the economy in a way that anyone can understand. My goal is to break down all the big or intimidating ideas and remind us what things like Traditionalism and Classical Virtues are - how vital they remain to the human existence and that they are still very much worth fighting for.

This podcast is a space for brutally honest opinions, civil discourse, and perhaps a slightly inappropriate joke or two….


Because my problems are everyone’s problems.
We aren’t being smart.
I want us to be smarter.
In a world increasingly built on lies and dictated by algorithms, it’s time we stood for truth, courage, beauty and goodness. We need to break free from the polarizing silos of society and engage with our fellow Man once more. We must stop being a part of the problem and instead must be a part of the solution.

Goodness. Truth. Beauty. Justice. Prudence. Courage. Resilience. Reason. Traditional Values.

I’ll be nicer, if you’ll be smarter. - TMB

The concepts of right and wrong are more and more often considered very uncool terms.

But, as it happens, I love it when things are not cool: it usually means they’re good.

I’m here to tell you what’s really cool - that right and wrong do both exist, truth is not relative, history matters and is important, and you have to stop being a part of the problem.

YOU have to stop being apathetic and thinking someone else will take care of all these problems - it’s down to us.

No matter where you come from, what you look like, what you believe, how much money you have, what you do for work, who you voted for - we all share the responsibility of the human condition.

We have to put in the effort. We have to tell the truth, no matter what it might cost us to do so. We have to be courageous and brave. We have to be creatures of reason and not of want. We have to stop simply being “nice.” Nice has gotten us nowhere.

We need to be Good. We need to value what’s RIGHT. Not what’s easy. Not what’s non-confrontational. The world’s new definition of nice is the enemy of good. Nice is where truth often goes to die.

So let’s fight back.

xx TMB

You have enemies? Good. It means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
— Sir Winston Churchill

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Emotionally available single man?
